Architectural & Urban Forum, Milano
media partner: ArcDueCittà
September 2013
Scuola di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano
Via Ampère, 2 – 20133 Milano
Lorenzo Degli Esposti
Stefano Antonelli
Paolo Belloni
Camillo Botticini
Emilio Caravatti
Lorenzo Consalez
Paolo Danelli
Andrea Di Franco
Carlo Alberto Maggiore
Camillo Magni
Nicolò Privileggio
Pierluigi Salvadeo
Giorgio Santagostino
Alice Bottelli, Fabio Casula, Pierluigi Di Giacomo, Carlo Lunelli, Maurizio Petronio, Francesca Maria Pozzi, Ilaria Presezzi, Alessandro Raffa, Tommaso Raffa, Daniele Zerbi
final jury:
Carlo Bertelli
honorary professor Universitè de Lausanne, professor emeritus Università della Svizzera Italiana
Marco Biraghi
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola di Architettura e Società
Ernesto d’Alfonso
ArcDueCittà director, former PhD coordinator in Urban and Architecture Design, Politecnico di Milano
Peter Eisenman
Charles Gwathmey Professor in Practice, Yale School of Architecture
Franco Purini
Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza
Ilaria Valente
Politecnico di Milano – Dean of the Scuola di Architettura e Società
Daniele Vitale
Politecnico di Milano – Scuola di Architettura Civile
July 24th 2013
opening seminar (aula gamma): mentor and case study assignment to all the groups of students
September 9th 2013
intermediate seminar: deadline for the critical analysis and start of the project’s set up
September 16-20 2013
joint work at university (patio)
September 27th 2013
closing seminar (patio): final jury.
free architectural design workshop, held by the Scuola di Architettura e Società of the Politecnico di Milano and by the not-for-profit research agency Architectural & Urban Forum, Milan, offered to master students attending Architecture Schools in Italy.
4 CFU acknowledged to master students attending the Scuola di Architettura e Società of the Politecnico di Milano.
Selection based on cv/portfolio.
DEEPmilano is an architectural design workshop, held by the Scuola di Architettura e Società of the Politecnico di Milano and by the not-for-profit research agency Architectural & Urban Forum, Milan, having the web magazine
ArcDueCittà as media partner.
The theme of this workshop is an experimental research upon emblematic examples of Milanese modern architecture and on their surrounding open spaces. Masters’ compositional strategies are going to be examined, shifted and/or challenged, in order to revive them anew in an architectural proposition that is to confront itself with both the city and Masters’ works.
The connections between empirical inclinations and geometrical configurations, between contemporaneity/universality values and both local-historical bonds and the specificity of the site are to be inquired in a both formal and syntactical perspective, also in relation to Tafuri’s category of “sprezzatura”, aiming for a different repetition: finding newness within architecture by the aid of the tools of architecture.
Selected students will be split into 2-3 people groups, each focusing on one of the chosen buildings under the guidance of a mentor, picked out of the most active design architects devoted to both academics and professional fields.
Each group’s activity will be divided in two moments: reading and writing.
The building as text: reading. The first activity will be of a critical-interpretative nature, carried out by operations of redrawing together with a diagrammatic reading of the selected cases of Milanese buildings, that can highlight strategies, continuities and rifts within the contradictions that run between formal independence and confrontation with the urban scenery.
The design proposition: writing. The second activity will be of a compositional nature, carried out in the design of an architectural object to be placed right beside its own researched building, in the open spaces at disposal.
General reference bibliography:
Bottoni, Piero (1954), Antologia di edifici moderni di Milano, Editoriale Domus, Milano
Eisenman, Peter (2004), Giuseppe Terragni: trasformazioni, scomposizioni, critiche, Quodlibet, Macerata
Eisenman, Peter (2008), Ten Canonical Buildings 1950-2000, Rizzoli International Publications, New York
Grandi, Maurizio – Pracchi, Attilio (2008), Milano. Guida all’architettura moderna, Lampi di Stampa, Milano
Irace, Fulvio (1996), Milano Moderna. Architettura e città nell’epoca della ricostruzione, Motta, Milano
Purini, Franco (2008), Una lezione sul disegno, Gangemi Editore, Roma
Tafuri, Manfredo (1992), Ricerca del Rinascimento: principi, città, architetti, Einaudi editore, Torino
Further bibliographical references will be provided to the invited students.
The participation in DEEPmilano is free and open to all master students from every School of Architecture in Italy.
4 CFU acknowledged to master students attending the Scuola di Architettura e Società of the Politecnico di Milano.
DEEPmilano will be held in both Italian and English languages.
The application form (to be presented as stated in the attached form) has to be filled in and delivered to the following e-mail address deadline July 14th 2013
The application form has to be presented together with one horizontal A3 page academic cv (specify the design modules attended, teacher and final exam grade) and a maximum 20 horizontal A3 pages portfolio containing the candidate’s design experiences (university modules, design competitions, internships, workshops, etc.), maximum dimension file 9 Mb.
The selection will be carried out by a specific commission with members appointed by the Scuola di Architettura e Società of the Politecnico di Milano and by the Architectural & Urban Forum, Milan.
An e-mail confirmation of receipt will be sent to all the candidates and the invitations will be sent to the selected candidates within the 19th of July 2013.
The workshop will be held at the Scuola di Architettura e Società del Politecnico di Milano, via Ampère,3 – 20133 Milan.
July 14th 2013
deadline call for students
July 19th 2013
invitations to the selected students
July 24th 2013
opening seminar (aula gamma): mentor and case study assignment to all the groups of students
September 9th 2013
intermediate seminar: deadline for the critical analysis and start of the project’s set up
September 16-20 2013
joint work at university (patio)
September 27th 2013
closing seminar (patio): final jury.
Info, announcements and call are published
on the blog
on the website
on the website
on the website
for further information, submission of the forms, requests, study plan, certificates, please refer to arch. Efisia Cipolloni, Vicepresidenza Scuola di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano, e-mail:
facsimile application form
Scuola di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano
Architectural & Urban Forum, Milano
media partner: ArcDueCittà
Personal application form for DEEPmilano 2013
to be sent to within July 14th 2013
I undersigned____________________________________________________
born on____________in____________________________________________
resident in____________________adress__________________CAP_______
master course/year_______________________________________________
through the present form, to participate in the architectural design workshop DEEPmilano held in Milan, during the following days: July 7th 2013, September 9th, 16-20, 27th 2013. These days might be partially modified out of necessity.
I undersigned declare to be aware of the fact that application requests will be examined by a specific commission, and the result will be based upon the filling in of the present form and upon the contents of the cv and of the portfolio attached to the present form.
date_________signature of the candidate__________________________
According to the law D.Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003, the candidate gives consent to the use of his/her personal data and to the communication of the information and of the released data. Acceptance of the present application by the promoters automatically implies the consent of the candidates to the use of their personal data as stated above. The candidate hereby declares to be aware of the rights of the concerned person according to the art.7 of the D.Lgs n.196 of 30/06/2003.
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